Thought I would share a wee flower garland that I crocheted for my hall.
Our hall is a rather boring apricot colour, apart from laying laminate flooring we haven't touched the hall since moving in seven years ago. I really want to do something with it just not sure what.
We added a huge mirror a couple of years ago to enlarge the space and I though a crocheted garland would be just the thing to give it a lift. I was able to use some vintage buttons that my mum had given to me a long time ago.
Oh and please excuse the blank canvases on the walls. hubby hung them there a while ago as a minimilist joke and we have never got round to taking them down! I sometimes think people that come to the door must think we are mad (they would be right, of course ;) )
I am quite pleased how it turned out.
Hope you like it :) x