11 May 2010

Onwards and Upwards

Well well well look at me - I've booked a craft fair! It is not til October and I haven't had official confirmation so I won't give away any details in case I have to come back and deny everything. I will have to make some stock too. All good news but I keep having "oh no what have I done' moments. It will be nearly a year since I last sold anything face to face, I might be a wee bit scared eek!

I have a couple of ideas to make over my blog, I am not liking my banner anymore (I am SO fickle)and I am currently working on a wee website to tie together my blog and my shops and my contact info etc. so I am going to redesign a couple of things. Actually one of the reasons I am thinking of changing it is because my youngest son was looking over my shoulder, looking at my banner and he said is that you? - yes, how old were you? - five then he said - people will think that everything you are selling is made BY A KID! and then he skipped off like small children do, I am confident that people will appreciate that the photo is old but then I thought maybe they won't and then I thought I am not sure it works anyway as I don't have a particular retro feel to any of my items aargghhh image is SO difficult, so ....watch this space while I redo my bits and bobs AGAIN!


1 comment:

  1. a re-design is always good, freshens things up and gets people interested again - I just wish I had some money to do it!
