I am trying to ease myself into my crafty year. Rather than slog away and make things I am fed up making just because I know they sell, I have decided to do some 'me' crafting. For such a long time I seem only to make crafts to sell and not things I
really wanted to make.
To this end I am teaching myself crochet. I have wanted to crochet for such a long time and could never get the hang of it, incredibly frustrating, so I have taken my time and gone over and over and over, now I am pleased to say I can do double and treble crochet! Still to 'master' them but I am getting there. No crochet to show on here yet (I am still learning) Hope I don't develop a yarn addiction though! (what are the chances?)
I got out my sewing machine again and made smallest son a crayon wallet:

It holds eight crayons and a notebook.

Smallest sons abstract artwork :-)

One of the things I like best about this is that I have had the fabric for ages (I think before smallest son was even born!!) and we already had the crayons and notebook, so from a few things lying around I have made a useful object. Please excuse the un-ironed fabric in the photos I don't 'do' ironing!